Take a leap of even more self-realization, empowerment, and action

Why NLP Training at GTRANCE Coaching Institute?

Do you wonder what would happen if only you could master your own life? As impossible as the answer may be, after you experience authentic life transforming moments taking our NLP Practitioner Training Course, what WAS impossible becomes possible. One of the breakthroughs you would experience is asking yourself this one question: Why did I not take this course before?

What would it be worth to you to know how your mind works? How empowering would it feel being able to change anything that is unhelpful in your life so easily and effortlessly? What would not happen if you did not change your bad habits, deceitful perceptions, limiting beliefs, and/or internal conflicts?

How about if you could take charge of your own vocation by learning how to read and understand the manual of your brain and how it functions? Reading these words and continuing to read this page means you are ready to start taking this leap of even more self-realization, empowerment, and action.

You might be wondering what NLP is (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)?

NLP is the study of excellence which describes how our thinking produces our behavior. It allows us to model excellence and to reproduce that behavior. In practice, NLP is a collection of techniques, skills and strategies that are easy to learn, easy to apply, and that can be used to make significant positive changes. It is also an art and a science for success based on proven techniques that clearly show you how your mind works and thinks and how your behavior can be positively modified and improved. NLP has multiple uses in education, therapy, business and everyday life.

As the name suggests:

Neuro – refers to your neurology and your mind.

Linguistic – refers to the language that we use that affects the mind.

Programming – is a means of “programming” your brain through language and other forms of communication to operate more efficiently and in ways that are most beneficial to you.

GTRANCE Coaching Institute (“GTCI”) offers certifications for NLP , and takes your life to the next level. It is a great start to enhance your career goals.

Register today for the 4 Day NLP Training held in I-Rise Tower, 27C-07, Barsha Heights, Dubai-U.A.E.

This training will guide you step-by-step on how to consistently make great things happen in your life.

Wait no longer to discover the answers to what is holding you back in life:

  • Discover and explore an overabundance of opportunities, to unleash your self-confidence and your full potential.
  • Learn tools to motivate you and keep you motivated.
  • Take the next inspirational step towards achieving personal excellence.
  • Control the connection between your mind, emotions and behavior.
  • Learn to set goals and achieve them.
  • Learn how to coach yourself and others.
  • Define exactly what you want in life.
  • Create the future you really want.
  • Eliminate negative habits.
  • Accelerate healing.
  • Awaken your higher awareness and consciousness.
  • Learn the most innovative tools used in personal growth coaching and much more…

Many people who are interested in attending an NLP Training have the strong desire to become proficient in NLP techniques, so they can take their life and career to a whole new level of results. They also want to learn tools that can assist them to help others realize their full potential. Likewise, they will have the desire to give back to those who are in search of better futures, just like they once were. And they want to do it fast!

“Can I take an NLP Training course in just 4 days?”

The answer is a resounding YES! If you join us for the NLP Practitioner Training and Certification, you can get the certification in a single training workshop in just 4 days. So, if you are serious about becoming powerful with more self-confidence, and even more respected and loved, then this training is for you. You can be happy and learn happiness. Finally, if you are serious about creating abundance in your life and in the lives of others, then this training is for YOU!

NLP Training:

On your journey to becoming a practitioner you will learn various techniques on how to master the use of language, learn how to understand nonverbal communications, take control of your emotional states, modify undesired behaviors in yourself and others, create helpful anchors and collapse those that are not serving, develop strategies and structure using NLP to set goals, initiate positive and lasting change and so much more…

NLP Training Program Overview:

  • Cause and Effect
  • NLP Communication Model
  • Presuppositions Of NLP
  • Prime Directives Of The Unconscious Mind
  • Sensory Acuity
  • Matching and Mirroring
  • Representational Systems
  • Eye Patterns
  • Swish Patterns
  • Language Patterns; Milton and Meta Model
  • Anchoring
  • Strategies, Elicitation and Utilization
  • T.O.T.E. Model
  • Motivation Strategy
  • Learning Strategies
  • Dyslexia/ADHD Strategy
  • The Learning State
  • Reframing
  • Parts Integration
  • Couples Therapy Model
  • 5 Step Sales Process
  • Handling Objections
  • Agreement Frame
  • NLP In Negotiating
  • NLP In Education
  • NLP In Therapy

How does GTRANCE Coaching Institute offer NLP Training?

Our NLP training is done in person at our office located in I-Rise Tower, 27C-07, Barsha Heights, Dubai-U.A.E. GTRANCE Coaching Institute being a KHDA approved center, is the first of its kind that can legally and officially certify students of these trainings whilst, also being accredited and recognized by The American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ABNLP), The American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), the Time Line Therapy Association, the Coaching Division of the American Board of NLP, the International Board of NLP Professionals (IBNLPP) and KHDA.

Throughout the course, we will teach you all the theories and show you how precisely to apply them. We will then demonstrate the techniques by solving real life problems. We welcome and encourage all kinds of questions. Accredited Manuals are included in our NLP Practitioner Training, and of course, heart healthy meals to help you stay focused, energetic and healthy.


The GTRANCE Coaching Institute trainings are accredited & recognized by The American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ABNLP), the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), the Time Line Therapy Association, the Coaching Division of the American Board of NLP, and KHDA.

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Select your trainings of interest and submit your information. Once submitted, you will be contacted by our team to complete your reservation.

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