When we talk about the natural detoxification of the body, we must consider the liver, the lungs, the colon and the kidneys. If the body is functioning well, it is designed to detox on its own and process toxins removing them naturally. In this process, the liver is key because it has its own circulation system, and it has its own portal system.
All the toxic substances we eat, drink, inhale or absorb through our skin, pass through the liver for filtering. The liver is the organ that takes in everything and neutralizes whatever goes into the body.
Symptoms of a malfunctioning liver include, but are not limited to:
fatigue and feeling you need a nap in the afternoon, disrupted sleep between 2 and 4 a.m., asthma or allergies, skin disorders, including acne, etc.
Additional symptoms include blood sugar disorders, chronic infections, indigestion, acid reflux, lowered stress tolerance, nutrient malabsorption, PMS symptoms, decreased libido and infertility, unexplained weight gain, inability to lose weight, excessive abdominal fat, etc.
To aid the liver in detoxification, we need to make sure that anything we introduce into our body needs to be with the least level of contamination. We can start by getting more educated about which household items we need to be wary of. Chemicals can be found in our detergents, household plastic containers, furniture items, etc., all of which can contain disruptors which can wreak havoc on the overall hormonal balance, physiological function, and other areas which can impact one’s well-being.
How to Naturally Improve Liver Functioning?
Your body will require to be supplemented with herbs, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods such as cooked cruciferous vegetables, apples, avocados, beets, etc. Nutrients such as milk thistle, glutathione, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid and folate are essential for the proper functioning of the liver.
Liver detoxification involves two phases:
Phase 1: The liver is supposed to filter and repackage any substances into execrable and soluble forms, so they can be pushed out from the kidneys. In this process, it transforms fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble toxins.
Phase 2: The toxins are transferred to the colon for proper elimination. The liver adds amino acids to molecules so the enzymes can break it down.
In addition to other symptoms, caffeine intolerance is a sign of phase one disruption, and heavy toxic load is a sign of phase 2 overdrive.
Exposure to things like pesticides, dioxins, heavy metals, caffeine and alcohol can push phase 1 into overdrive and overwhelm phase 2, causing the partially changed toxins to build up. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant, if depleted, phase 2 of detoxification can no longer do its job well. Signs include increased inflammation, weight gain, poor thyroid function and leaky gut.
A clean, whole food-based diet is effective to support the natural detox process. For example, antioxidants, like phytochemicals in plants, protect against radicals. The role of detoxification is to promote the optimal health and functioning of organs involved in metabolism and elimination (intestines, liver, gut microbiome, kidneys, lungs and skin). Detox diets like fasts and juice cleanses can increase toxicity, as toxins are released. Detox diets can increase cortisol and may be psychologically stressful.
Our primary recommendation is to always get your nutrients from whole foods. At GTRANCE, we offer tips for supporting a detox lifestyle in addition to our Liver Cleanse protocol which is an effective program to rejuvenate the liver. The liver Cleanse Program at GTRANCE is designed to reduce stress on the liver, rejuvenate it, support new cell production, provide comprehensive and safe detox, cleanse the fat and bring functions back to normality.
This program is ideal for people who have fatty liver disease, who over consume alcohol and nicotine and who may have skin problems. Our programs are designed to give your body the detoxification it needs, clean your liver and help reduce the accumulation of toxins, while helping you change your unhealthy eating habits.
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©2025 Grace El Tayar